Group Training Instructions
Group training can be used to conduct sessions for individual modules or for entire programs. Follow the steps below in order to have a successful group training session.
1. Print our helpful group training sign-in form here. Have each employee fill out each field in its entirety. Once the group training session has been completed, you will need this information to enter your employees into the system, and to print individual completion certificates.
2. Follow these step-by-step instructions for group training to learn how to use CARES in a group session. Use the sign-in form from step 1 to track your employees who participated in the group training session.
3. View the instructions to enter staff members into the system and print training certificates.
4. Have staff members take the CARES Dementia Certification exam. If your organization has CARES Dementia Certification enabled, staff will need to log in to the program Main Menu to take their exam after you have entered them into the system. Have staff log in to the program with your product key, log in as an “existing user,” and then click on the Take Certification Exam button on the Main Menu. Print our staff instructions here.
Important: You must enter staff into the system (step 3 above) before they can take their exams.