CARES® Dementia 5-Step Method
for Families


Dementia 5-Step Method
for Families

4 hours, 4 modules, with certification

CARES® for Families was developed specifically for those caring for a loved one living at home, in an independent living setting, or in assisted living. It includes many practical strategies, tips, and instruction in the CARES® Approach. Learn More

Program & Certification for $199

Dementia Care Strategies, Dementia Care Basics

5-Min Product Overview Video

About CARES® Dementia 5-Step Method for Families

This award-winning training and certification program was developed for family members or friends caring for a loved one with memory loss or dementia. Like our other CARES® products, this program centers around the 5-step CARES® Approach and offers many practical and invaluable strategies to common caregiving situations, challenges, and concerns. It is rich with videos featuring family caregivers, family members living with dementia, and dementia experts.

CARES® Dementia 5-Step Method for Families was funded in part by a grant from the National Institute on Aging, was developed in conjunction with the National office of the Alzheimer’s Association, and guided by a national team of experts.  

“CARES” stands for:

C – Connect with the Person
A – Assess Behavior
R – Respond Appropriately
E – Evaluate What Works
S – Share with Others

Continue With One of Our CARES® Individual Products

Once you have completed CARES® Dementia 5-Step Method for Families, consider completing one of our other advanced topics. These programs are intended primarily for professional staff members providing care for someone living with dementia and are not focused on care at home. However, many family members express an interest in learning even more about dementia care after completing CARES Dementia 5-Step Method for Families.

View Additional CARES Online Training Programs.