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John V. Hobday
CEO and Founder
HealthCare Interactive, Inc.
8800 Highway 7
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Minneapolis, MN 55426
(952) 928-7722

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HealthCare Interactive, Inc.
8800 Highway 7
Suite 331
Minneapolis, MN 55426
(952) 928-7722

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HCI Marketing Plan Receives National SBI Case of the Year Award in Orlando, FL

ST. PAUL, MN—January 14, 2007. HealthCare Interactive, Inc. is thrilled to announce that a company marketing plan developed by the University of St. Thomas Small Business Institute has been awarded second place in the Small Business Institute National Case of the Year competition in Tampa, Florida. The plan was developed by five business school students through the Small Business Institute’s Consulting Program.

The SBI organizes this case competition every year. It receives entries from colleges and universities across the country. The cases are submitted under different categories such as general management, strategy, or specialized areas such as marketing or IT.

Pictured from left to right are team members Brent Younkin, Allison King, Jordan Ermer, Beth Hoeppner (HealthCare Interactive), John Hobday (President, HealthCare Interactive), Danielle Anderson, Jamal Al-Khatib (Director, Small Business Institute), and Angela Sturman.

HealthCare Interactive strongly supports efforts to educate and provide meaningful experiences to students by providing ongoing internships to area high school and college students.

For additional information, visit, or call 952-848-8091.

For additional information on the University of St. Thomas Small Business Institute, visit or call (651) 962-5097.