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John V. Hobday
CEO and Founder
HealthCare Interactive, Inc.
8800 Highway 7
Suite 331
Minneapolis, MN 55426
(952) 928-7722

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HealthCare Interactive, Inc.
8800 Highway 7
Suite 331
Minneapolis, MN 55426
(952) 928-7722

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Free “Alzheimer’s and Dementia Video Tips” Mobile App for Families Now Available

MINNEAPOLIS, MN—October 15, 2015. HealthCare Interactive, Inc. (HCI) announces the release of the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Video Tips mobile app with select video advice taken from the Savvy Caregiver DVD series for family caregivers of someone with memory loss, dementia, or Alzheimer’s disease. Until now, the Savvy Caregiver training has been offered in a live, classroom format in six states, or it has been available on a DVD series ( The Savvy Caregiver curriculum has been specifically recommended to state agencies by the U.S. Administration on Aging ( Unless you live in one of the in-person states or unless you purchase a DVD set, however, accessing this information has been difficult. For the first time, more than one hour of video advice from the Savvy Caregiver Program is available at no cost through mobile app technology. This is good news for anyone feeling the burdens of caring for their loved one with memory loss who uses an iPhone and enjoys learning via the video advice format.

“I cannot even say how many times we have heard from customers, ‘Oh, if I had only had this DVD two years ago, I can’t imagine the difficult situations, stress, and anguish that would have been avoided,’ states HCI CEO and Founder, John Hobday. “What we realized is that we needed to make a subset of this information and video advice available at no cost to the general public. The mobile app technology platform has allowed us to do just that in a very accessible manner.” The Alzheimer’s and Dementia Video Tips mobile app is currently available for iPhones. It will be available for Android uses beginning in early 2016.

About the Savvy Caregiver Program

The Savvy Caregiver curriculum was originally developed by a team of researchers at the University of Minnesota School of Nursing and has been shown in research to reduce caregiver distress (Hepburn et al., 2007). After realizing that a family member’s memory and other thinking skills are starting to decline, this program answers questions such as, “What’s happening to my loved one, and what do I do now?” The Savvy Caregiver DVD series ( is designed to teach families about the changes in behavior that occur when Alzheimer’s or dementia affects someone and specific strategies to reduce your own personal distress associated with the disease and is designed to be watched one session per week for four consecutive weeks.

The 4-DVD set is also subtitled in both English (for the hearing impaired) and Spanish (for Hispanic family caregivers in the U.S. and Latin America). Simply select the deired subtitle option from the Main Menu of the each DVD.

About HealthCare Interactive

HealthCare Interactive, Inc. (HCI) is a Minnesota Corporation founded in 1997 committed to developing the most innovative set of dementia-related learning products available on the market today. To accomplish this, HCI has developed dementia-related training programs for families and professionals in conjunction with researchers from the University of Minnesota, Duke University, Emory University, and the Alzheimer’s Association.

HCI’s programs are unique, innovative, research-based, and research-validated. Each of the HCI’s programs has won wide acclaim from family members and professional caregivers alike. For more information please visit

For general company information about HCI, visit, or call 952-928-7722.